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Dövlət Miqrasiya Xidməti regionlarda səyyar xidmətlər təşkil edir: miqrasiya məsələləri ilə bağlı mü


Dövlət Miqrasiya Xidməti: What is it and how to use it?

If you are a foreigner or a stateless person who wants to live, work, study, or travel in Azerbaijan, you need to know about Dövlət Miqrasiya Xidməti (State Migration Service). This is a state agency that regulates and manages migration processes in the country, as well as provides various services and benefits to migrants and refugees. In this article, we will explain what Dövlət Miqrasiya Xidməti is, why it is important, what services and benefits it offers, what challenges you may face, and how to use it effectively.


What is Dövlət Miqrasiya Xidməti?

Dövlət Miqrasiya Xidməti (DMX) is a state agency that was established by the decree of the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev on March 18, 2007. The main purpose of DMX is to implement the state policy on migration, to regulate and forecast migration processes, and to coordinate the activities of relevant state organs in this field. DMX also aims to protect the rights and interests of migrants and refugees, as well as to ensure national security and public order in Azerbaijan.

dovlet miqrasiya

Why is it important for foreigners and stateless persons in Azerbaijan?

Azerbaijan is a country that attracts many foreigners and stateless persons for various reasons, such as economic opportunities, cultural diversity, natural beauty, historical heritage, regional stability, etc. According to the official statistics, there were about 1.2 million foreigners and stateless persons who entered Azerbaijan in 2020. However, not all of them are aware of the legal requirements and procedures that they need to follow in order to stay and work in the country legally and safely. This is where DMX comes in handy. DMX provides essential information, guidance, and assistance to foreigners and stateless persons who want to obtain a work permit, a visa, a registration by place of stay, a temporary or permanent residence, a citizenship, or a refugee status in Azerbaijan. DMX also helps them to integrate into the society and culture of Azerbaijan, as well as to access various social services and benefits.

Main services and benefits of Dövlət Miqrasiya Xidməti

Electronic services

One of the main advantages of DMX is that it offers a wide range of electronic services that can be accessed online through its official website ( or its mobile application (MigAz). These electronic services allow foreigners and stateless persons to apply for different types of documents and permits, as well as to track the status of their applications. Some of the most popular electronic services are:

Work permit

A work permit is a document that allows a foreigner or a stateless person to work legally in Azerbaijan for a certain period of time. A work permit is required for those who want to work in Azerbaijan for more than 90 days within a year.[^3^ To apply for a work permit, one needs to fill out an online application form, upload the required documents, and pay the state fee. The documents include a passport, a photo, a medical certificate, an employment contract, and a certificate of no criminal record. The state fee depends on the duration of the work permit and ranges from 350 to 1000 AZN. The work permit is usually issued within 20 working days after the application is submitted. The work permit can be extended for up to 5 years, but not more than 2 years at a time.


A visa is a document that allows a foreigner or a stateless person to enter and stay in Azerbaijan for a certain period of time and for a specific purpose. A visa is required for those who come from countries that are not exempt from the visa regime of Azerbaijan. There are different types of visas, such as tourist, business, transit, student, medical, etc. The visa requirements and fees vary depending on the type and duration of the visa.

To apply for a visa, one can use the electronic visa system (e-Visa), which is a fast and convenient way to obtain a single-entry visa for up to 30 days. The e-Visa can be obtained within 3 working days after filling out an online application form, uploading the required documents, and paying the state fee of 20 USD. Alternatively, one can apply for a visa through the diplomatic missions or consular offices of Azerbaijan abroad, or through the ASAN Visa service centers at the international airports of Azerbaijan.

Registration by place of stay

A registration by place of stay is a document that confirms the legal residence of a foreigner or a stateless person in Azerbaijan. A registration by place of stay is required for those who intend to stay in Azerbaijan for more than 15 days. The registration by place of stay can be done online through the DMX website or mobile application, or in person at the regional migration offices. The registration by place of stay is free of charge and must be done within 10 days after arriving in Azerbaijan.

Temporary and permanent residence

A temporary residence permit is a document that allows a foreigner or a stateless person to live in Azerbaijan for up to one year. A temporary residence permit can be granted for various reasons, such as family reunification, education, employment, investment, etc. A temporary residence permit can be extended for up to 5 years.

A permanent residence permit is a document that allows a foreigner or a stateless person to live in Azerbaijan indefinitely. A permanent residence permit can be granted to those who have lived in Azerbaijan for at least two years with a temporary residence permit, or who have married an Azerbaijani citizen, or who have made significant contributions to the development of Azerbaijan, or who meet other criteria specified by law.

Dövlət Miqrasiya Xidməti elektron xidmətlər

Dövlət Miqrasiya Xidməti iş icazəsi

Dövlət Miqrasiya Xidməti viza

Dövlət Miqrasiya Xidməti qeydiyyat

Dövlət Miqrasiya Xidməti vətəndaşlıq məsələləri

Dövlət Miqrasiya Xidməti qaçqın statusu

Dövlət Miqrasiya Xidməti beynəlxalq əməkdaşlıq

Dövlət Miqrasiya Xidməti regional idarələr

Dövlət Miqrasiya Xidməti təlim-tədris mərkəzi

Dövlət Miqrasiya Xidməti xarici investisiyalı hüquqi şəxslər

Dövlət Miqrasiya Xidməti uşaqların müdafiəsi günü

Dövlət Miqrasiya Xidməti miqrasiya məktəbi layihəsi

Dövlət Miqrasiya Xidməti Naxçıvanda miqrantların hüquqları

Dövlët Miqrasiya Xidmëti yanında İctimai Şura üzvliyi

Dövlët Miqrasiya Xidmëti miqrasiya mëcëllësinë dëyişikliklër

Dövlët Miqrasiya Xidmëti onlayn müraciëtin izlënilmësi

Dövlët Miqrasiya Xidmëti regionlarda sëyyar xidmëtlër

Dövlët Miqrasiya Xidmëti çağrı mërkezi 919

Dövlët Miqrasiya Xidmëti müsahibeyë dëvët olunan ęcnębilerin siyahısı

Dövlët Miqrasiya Xidmëti kiçik xüsusi rütbëlër nęzędę tutulan vęzifëlër

Dövlët Miqrasiya Xidmëti miqrantların hüquq vę vęzifëlëri

Dövlët Miqrasiya Xidmëti miqrasiya könüllüsü

Dövlët Miqrasiya Xidmëti dövlët rüsumları

Dövlët Miqrasiya Xidmëti ęn çox verilën suallar

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To apply for a temporary or permanent residence permit, one needs to fill out an online application form, upload the required documents, and pay the state fee. The documents include a passport, a photo, a medical certificate, a certificate of no criminal record, and other documents depending on the reason for applying. The state fee depends on the type and duration of the residence permit and ranges from 40 to 200 AZN. The residence permit is usually issued within 30 working days after the application is submitted.

Citizenship issues

Citizenship issues are related to acquiring or renouncing the citizenship of Azerbaijan. A foreigner or a stateless person can acquire the citizenship of Azerbaijan by naturalization or by restoration. Naturalization is the process of granting citizenship to those who meet certain criteria, such as living in Azerbaijan for at least five years with a permanent residence permit, having sufficient knowledge of the Azerbaijani language and culture, having lawful income and property, being loyal to the Constitution and laws of Azerbaijan, etc. Restoration is the process of granting citizenship to those who have lost it due to various reasons, such as renunciation, adoption, marriage, etc.

Renunciation is the process of giving up the citizenship of Azerbaijan voluntarily. A citizen of Azerbaijan can renounce his or her citizenship if he or she has another citizenship or has obtained an assurance of acquiring another citizenship.

To apply for acquiring or renouncing the citizenship of Azerbaijan, one needs to fill out an online application form, upload the required documents, and pay the state fee. The documents include a passport, a photo, a birth certificate, a marriage certificate (if applicable), and other documents depending on the case. The state fee depends on the type and reason of acquiring or renouncing the citizenship and ranges from 50 to 1000 AZN. The citizenship issues are usually resolved within 6 months after the application is submitted.

Refugee status

A refugee status is a legal status that grants protection and assistance to a foreigner or a stateless person who has fled his or her country of origin or habitual residence due to a well-founded fear of persecution for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group, or political opinion. A refugee status also applies to those who have been displaced by armed conflict, violence, or human rights violations.

To apply for a refugee status, one needs to fill out an online application form, upload the required documents, and undergo an interview with the DMX officials. The documents include a passport or an identity document, a photo, and any evidence of the reasons for fleeing. The application for a refugee status is free of charge and must be done within 10 days after arriving in Azerbaijan. The refugee status is usually granted within 6 months after the application is submitted. A refugee status can be revoked if the circumstances that led to it have ceased to exist or if the refugee has committed a serious crime or fraud.

International cooperation

Another important aspect of DMX is its international cooperation with various organizations and countries in the field of migration. DMX participates in various regional and global initiatives and projects that aim to enhance the management and regulation of migration flows, as well as to improve the protection and integration of migrants and refugees. Some of the main partners and platforms of DMX are:

  • The European Union (EU) - DMX cooperates with the EU on various issues, such as visa facilitation and readmission, mobility partnership, migration dialogue, border management, asylum and refugee protection, etc.

  • The International Organization for Migration (IOM) - DMX works with IOM on various projects and programs, such as assisted voluntary return and reintegration, counter-trafficking, migration governance, migration health, migration data, etc.

  • The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) - DMX collaborates with UNHCR on various activities and services, such as refugee registration, status determination, protection, assistance, integration, resettlement, etc.

  • The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) - DMX engages with OSCE on various topics, such as migration policy development, migration legislation harmonization, migration management capacity building, migration security challenges, etc.

  • The Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) - DMX participates in various agreements and mechanisms within the CIS framework, such as the Agreement on Cooperation in Combating Illegal Migration, the Agreement on Mutual Recognition of Visas, the Agreement on Cooperation in Labor Migration and Social Protection of Migrant Workers, etc.

Regional migration offices

In addition to its headquarters in Baku, DMX also has 11 regional migration offices that cover all the regions of Azerbaijan. These offices provide various services and benefits to foreigners and stateless persons who live or visit these regions. Some of the main functions of these offices are:

  • To register foreigners and stateless persons by place of stay;

  • To issue temporary and permanent residence permits;

  • To issue work permits;

  • To issue visas;

  • To issue travel documents;

  • To issue certificates of no criminal record;

  • To provide information and consultation on migration issues;

  • To monitor and control the compliance with migration legislation;

  • To cooperate with local authorities and civil society organizations on migration matters.

Training and education center

DMX also has a training and education center that provides various courses and programs for its staff, as well as for foreigners and stateless persons who want to learn more about migration issues. The training and education center offers:

  • Professional development courses for DMX staff on topics such as migration management, legislation, procedures, communication skills, foreign languages, etc.

  • Orientation courses for foreigners and stateless persons who want to obtain a temporary or permanent residence permit or a citizenship of Azerbaijan. These courses cover topics such as Azerbaijani language, history, culture, constitution, laws, rights and duties, etc.

  • Awareness-raising courses for foreigners and stateless persons who want to learn more about migration issues in Azerbaijan. These courses cover topics such as visa regime, work permit, registration by place of stay, residence permit, citizenship, refugee status, etc.

  • Training courses for other state organs, civil society organizations, media representatives, and academic institutions on migration issues in Azerbaijan. These courses cover topics such as migration policy, legislation, statistics, trends, challenges, best practices, etc.

Challenges and tips for using Dövlət Miqrasiya Xidməti

Challenges faced by migrants and refugees in Azerbaijan

Despite the efforts and achievements of DMX, migrants and refugees in Azerbaijan still face some challenges and difficulties in accessing and using its services and benefits. Some of the common challenges are:

  • Lack of awareness and information about the migration rules and procedures in Azerbaijan;

  • Lack of language skills and cultural knowledge to communicate and integrate in Azerbaijan;

  • Lack of financial resources and legal assistance to apply for and obtain the necessary documents and permits;

  • Lack of social support and network to cope with the stress and challenges of living in a foreign country;

  • Lack of access to education, health care, employment, housing, and other social services and benefits;

  • Lack of protection and security from discrimination, exploitation, abuse, violence, and trafficking;

  • Lack of participation and representation in the decision-making and policy-making processes on migration issues.

Tips for using the online application and tracking service

One of the best ways to overcome some of these challenges is to use the online application and tracking service offered by DMX. This service allows you to apply for various documents and permits online, as well as to track the status of your applications. Here are some tips for using this service effectively:

  • Make sure you have a valid email address and a phone number that you can use to receive notifications and updates from DMX;

  • Make sure you have all the required documents in electronic format (PDF or JPG) and that they are clear, legible, and complete;

  • Make sure you fill out the online application form correctly and completely, following the instructions and guidelines provided by DMX;

  • Make sure you pay the state fee online using a credit card or a bank transfer, or offline using a payment terminal or a bank branch;

  • Make sure you check the status of your application regularly using your application number and password that you receive after submitting your application;

  • Make sure you contact DMX if you have any questions or problems regarding your application or your documents.

Tips for contacting the call center or visiting the headquarters

If you need more information or assistance from DMX, you can also contact its call center or visit its headquarters in Baku. Here are some tips for doing so:

  • The call center of DMX operates 24/7 and can be reached at (+994 12) 919 or at The call center can provide information and consultation on various migration issues in Azerbaijani, Russian, English, Turkish, Arabic, Persian, Urdu, Hindi, Bengali, Chinese, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Korean, etc.

  • The headquarters of DMX is located at 202 Binagadi Highway 3123 Block (near Koroglu metro station), Baku AZ1114. The working hours are from Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 18:00. The headquarters can provide various services and benefits to foreigners and stateless persons who visit it in person.

  • Before contacting the call center or visiting the headquarters , make sure you have your passport or your identity document, as well as your application number and password (if applicable), with you;

  • Be polite and respectful when communicating with the DMX staff, and follow their instructions and recommendations;

  • Be patient and cooperative when waiting for your turn or for your documents, and avoid any conflicts or arguments with other applicants or with the DMX staff.


Summary of the main points

In conclusion, Dövlət Miqrasiya Xidməti (State Migration Service) is a state agency that regulates and manages migration processes in Azerbaijan, as well as provides various services and benefits to foreigners and stateless persons who want to live, work, study, or travel in the country. DMX offers a wide range of electronic services that can be accessed online through its website or mobile application, such as work permit, visa, registration by place of stay, temporary and permanent residence, citizenship issues, refugee status, etc. DMX also cooperates with various international organizations and countries in the field of migration, has 11 regional migration offices that cover all the regions of Azerbaijan, and has a training and education center that provides various courses and programs for its staff and for foreigners and stateless persons. However, migrants and refugees in Azerbaijan still face some challenges and difficulties in accessing and using the services and benefits of DMX. Therefore, we have provided some tips for using the online application and tracking service, as well as for contacting the call center or visiting the headquarters of DMX.

Call to action and contact information

We hope that this article has helped you to understand what Dövlət Miqrasiya Xidməti is and how to use it effectively. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us at or at (+994 12) 919. You can also visit our website at or download our mobile application MigAz from Google Play or App Store. We are always happy to assist you with any migration issues in Azerbaijan.


  • Q: How can I check if I need a visa to enter Azerbaijan?

  • A: You can check the list of countries that are exempt from the visa regime of Azerbaijan on the DMX website at If your country is not on the list, you need a visa to enter Azerbaijan.

  • Q: How can I extend my stay in Azerbaijan if my visa expires?

  • A: You can apply for an extension of your visa online through the DMX website or mobile application, or in person at the regional migration offices. You need to fill out an online application form, upload the required documents, and pay the state fee. The extension of your visa is usually granted within 10 working days after the application is submitted.

  • Q: How can I change my status from a temporary resident to a permanent resident in Azerbaijan?

  • A: You can apply for a permanent residence permit online through the DMX website or mobile application, or in person at the regional migration offices. You need to fill out an online application form, upload the required documents, and pay the state fee. The permanent residence permit is usually granted within 30 working days after the application is submitted. You must have lived in Azerbaijan for at least two years with a temporary residence permit before applying for a permanent residence permit.

  • Q: How can I obtain a work permit in Azerbaijan if I have a job offer from an employer?

  • A: You can apply for a work permit online through the DMX website or mobile application, or in person at the regional migration offices. You need to fill out an online application form, upload the required documents, and pay the state fee. The work permit is usually issued within 20 working days after the application is submitted. You must have a valid employment contract with an employer registered in Azerbaijan before applying for a work permit.

  • Q: How can I apply for a refugee status in Azerbaijan if I have fled my country due to persecution or violence?

  • A: You can apply for a refugee status online through the DMX website or mobile application, or in person at the headquarters of DMX in Baku. You need to fill out an online application form, upload the required documents, and undergo an interview with the DMX officials. The refugee status is usually granted within 6 months after the application is submitted. You must have a well-founded fear of persecution or violence in your country of origin or habitual residence before applying for a refugee status.


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